"Loads cast members into RAM so they are instantly available to the movie. Define what to preload by specifying a range of cast members in a cast or frames in the score. The behavior can also load all the cast members in a different movie. If the Internet Aware parameter is turned on, the behavior checks the network cache to make sure the media is on the local disk before it is loaded into RAM. "& RETURN & ¼
"ò Initializing Event - Specify the event that triggers the behavior. & RETURN & ¼
"ò All Members - Choose this option to load all cast members in the current movie starting at the current frame." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Frame Range - Turn this option on and define a range of frames to load. Enter the start and end frames of the range in the appropriate boxes." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Member Range - Turn this option on and define a range of cast members within a cast. Choose the first and last cast members to load from the pop-ups." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Preload Movie - Turn this option on and enter the name of a Director movie in Movie Name. All the cast members in the movie are loaded. Use this parameter to reduce delays when switching to a different movie." & RETURN & ¼
"ò Internet Aware - Turn this option on to make Director check the network cache to make sure the media is on the local disk before preloading."